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HW21: Team Progress I

Writer's picture: Shefali EmmanuelShefali Emmanuel

Updated: Nov 2, 2019

Our team has been making steady progress by dedication time to the project weekly. My primary area of contribution is based on test cases, documentation, and modeling.

Here are the methods we decided to make our test cases from:

glucosio-android -> app -> src -> main -> java -> org -> glucosio -> android -> tools -> -> ...

1. kgToLb(double kg)

2. lbToKg(double lb)

3. a1cToGlucose(double a1c)

4. glucoseToA1c(double mgDl)

5. glucoseToMmolL(double mgDl)

6. glucoseToMgDl(double mmolL)

7. round(double value, int places)

I have reworked the test cases a few times in collaboration with my teammates, Dwayne and Jason, who have been working on the driver. I thoroughly enjoy creating our team's visual models and developing formal documentation by ordering our thoughts.

Here is our project's architecture:

I am pleased to say we have stayed on track by dedicating a couple of hours to the project consistently. Here is more information on our project, as we prepare to present deliverable 3!


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