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Writer's picture: Shefali EmmanuelShefali Emmanuel

Updated: Oct 28, 2019

Ex 24.6

Q: Explain why program inspections are an effective technique for discovering errors in a program. What types of errors are unlikely to be discovered during inspections?

A: A person who performs inspections has never seen the project before. It is beneficial to have an outside eye look over your code. Inspections check system requirements, source code, sign models, and system tests. The main advantages to inspections are that just testing can mask errors, the ability to check quality attributes and incomplete versions of the system can be inspected at no additional cost.

Some errors that are unlikely to be discovered during the inspection would be package and dependency installations, compilation problems, and integration problems with other code.


Updated: Nov 21, 2019

Since our last deliverable, I have created and finished the majority of the presentation. Dwayne has updated our script file so that all of the drivers are built before execution. Our next steps are to finish the presentation, practice the presentation, start working on the poster, finish the formal document, and clean up the output of out shell file.

We have all fallen into our responsibilities with the project as we figured out our strengths in comparison to our teammates. I have very much enjoyed working with my teammates throughout the entirety of this project. We have all been able to abstract so much from each other and contribute to different areas of the project. The project has been a fantastic learning experience. I hope this is what working on a software development team entails in industry.

Writer's picture: Shefali EmmanuelShefali Emmanuel

Updated: Oct 28, 2019

Ex 23.6

Q: Figure 23.14 shows the task duration for software project activities. Assume that a serious, unanticipated setback occurs, and instead of taking 10 days, task T5 takes 40 day. Draw up new bar charts showing how the project might be reorganized.


Original Chart

Since the next task (T10) that depended on T5 also depended on T9 which ended after 40+ days, nothing else was effected.


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